23 lines
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23 lines
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<systemvariables version="4">
<namespace name="" comment="">
<namespace name="Device" comment="Server with ip address ''">
<namespace name="Config" comment="Configuration section for this server">
<variable anlyzLocal="2" readOnly="false" valueSequence="false" unit="" name="IP" comment="The IP address of this server" bitcount="8" isSigned="true" encoding="65001" type="string" startValue="" />
<variable anlyzLocal="2" readOnly="false" valueSequence="false" unit="" name="Vendor" comment="The vendor of the device" bitcount="32" isSigned="true" encoding="65001" type="int" startValue="23" minValue="2" minValuePhys="2" maxValue="23" maxValuePhys="23">
<valuetable definesMinMax="true">
<valuetableentry value="2" description="BuR" />
<valuetableentry value="23" description="Wago" />
<namespace name="Config" comment="">
<namespace name="Modbus" comment="">
<variable anlyzLocal="2" readOnly="false" valueSequence="false" unit="ms" name="RequestTimeout" comment="The maximum duration for a Modbus-UDP/-TCP request in milliseconds. After timeout a retransmission may be started (see MaxRetransmissionCount). Use `ping` to get the maximum latency to a device, double it and add 2-3 ms for processing." bitcount="32" isSigned="true" encoding="65001" type="int" startValue="30" minValue="1" minValuePhys="1" maxValue="1000" maxValuePhys="1000" />
<variable anlyzLocal="2" readOnly="false" valueSequence="false" unit="" name="Port" comment="" bitcount="32" isSigned="true" encoding="65001" type="int" startValue="502" minValue="1" minValuePhys="1" maxValue="65535" maxValuePhys="65535" />
<variable anlyzLocal="2" readOnly="false" valueSequence="false" unit="times" name="MaxTransmissionCount" comment="How often a retransmission of a request will be sent until it gets discarded and an error is thrown." bitcount="32" isSigned="true" encoding="65001" type="int" startValue="1" minValue="1" minValuePhys="1" maxValue="10" maxValuePhys="10" />
</systemvariables> |