Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/Jonny007-MKD/OTR-SaneRename synced 2025-02-08 11:26:40 +01:00

Added support for manual.json

This commit is contained in:
Jonny007-MKD 2020-05-02 13:57:09 +02:00
parent 197086a236
commit 7dae8c24be
3 changed files with 148 additions and 48 deletions

View file

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import os
import csv
import sys
import requests
import json
from datetime import datetime
import urllib
@ -54,19 +55,25 @@ def parseArgs():
class EpisodeInfo:
def __init__(self):
self.season = None # int
self.episode = None # int
self.seriesName = None # str
self.episodeTitle = None # str
self.maybeEpisodeTitle = None # str
self.datetime = None # datetime
self.season = None # int, number of Season
self.episode = None # int, number of Episode in Season
self.seriesId = None # int, TvDB ID of Series
self.seriesName = None # str, Name of series. Taken from filename and replaced with the nice name from TvDB
self.episodeTitle = None # str, Title of Episode. Taken from filename (if possible), replaced with name from TvDB
self.maybeEpisodeTitle = None # str, Indicator whether the Episode title is a guess
self.datetime = None # datetime, When the file was aired/recorded
self.sender = None # str
self.description = None # str
self.description = None # str, Description from EPG data. Can be used to search the Episode
self.fileSuffix = None # str
def __str__(self):
result = ""
if self.seriesName: result += self.seriesName + " "
if self.seriesName:
result += self.seriesName + " "
if self.seriesId: result += " (" + self.seriesId + ")"
if self.seriesId: result += "Series#" + self.seriesId
if result: result += " "
if self.season: result += f"S{self.season:02d}"
if self.episode: result += f"E{self.episode:02d}"
if result: result += " "
@ -106,6 +113,40 @@ def analyzeFilename(filename: str):
logging.info(f" found info: {result.seriesName}, {result.datetime}, {result.sender}, S{result.season}E{result.episode}, {result.fileSuffix}")
return result
def readManualInfo(filename: str, info: EpisodeInfo):
file = os.path.join(workingDir, "manual.json")
if not os.path.isfile(file): return
with open(file) as json_file:
data = json.load(json_file)
except Exception as e:
logging.warn(f" Cannot read JSON file: {e}")
parts = filename.split('.')
for i in range(len(parts), 3, -1):
filename2 = '.'.join(parts[0:i])
if filename2 in data:
data = data[filename2]
logging.debug(" No data found")
return False
def get(keys: list):
for k in keys + [ k.lower() for k in keys ]:
if k in data: return data[k]
return None
series = get([ "Series" ])
if series:
if type(series) == int: info.seriesId = series
if type(series) == str: info.seriesName = series
if not info.season: info.season = get([ "Season", "S" ])
if not info.episode: info.episode = get([ "Episode", "E" ])
return True
def convertTitle(title: str, lang: str):
title = title.replace(" s ", "'s ")
if title.endswith(" s"): title = title[0:-2] + "'s"
@ -132,11 +173,12 @@ def getSeriesId(info: EpisodeInfo, args: dict):
logging.debug(f" pickle load failed: {e}")
return None
def fromCache(cache):
logging.debug(f" fromCache()")
def fromCacheWithName(cache: dict, seriesName: str):
""" Return tuple (id, niceName) when series is found in Cache, otherwise (None, None) """
logging.debug(f" fromCacheWithName({seriesName})")
if not cache: return (None, None)
words = info.seriesName.split(' ')
words = seriesName.split(' ')
for i in range(len(words), 0, -1):
title2 = " ".join(words[0:i])
titles = set([title2, convertTitle(title2, args.language)])
@ -150,10 +192,24 @@ def getSeriesId(info: EpisodeInfo, args: dict):
logging.debug(f" found nothing")
return (None, None)
def fromTvdb():
logging.debug(f" fromTvdb()")
def fromCacheWithId(cache: dict, id: int):
""" Return nice series name when id is found in cache, otherwise None """
logging.debug(f" fromCacheWithId({id})")
if not cache: return None
for key, value in cache.items():
if value[0] == id:
logging.debug(f" found {value[1]}")
return value[1]
return None
words = info.seriesName.split(' ')
def fromTvdbWithName(name: str):
Search TvDB for a series with the specified name (or a subset of it)
Return a tuple (SeriesID, Nice Name) if a unique result was found, otherwise exit.
logging.debug(f" fromTvdbWithName({name})")
words = name.split(' ')
regex = re.compile("[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]")
allResults = []
for i in range(len(words), 0, -1):
@ -195,6 +251,20 @@ def getSeriesId(info: EpisodeInfo, args: dict):
logging.debug(f" nothing found")
def fromTvdbWithId(id: int):
logging.debug(f" fromTvdbWithId({id})")
Return the nice series name from TvDB.
If the series doesn't exist, exit.
series = tvdb.series.Series(id, language=args.language).info()
logging.debug(f" found {series['seriesName']}")
return series["seriesName"]
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f" Exception: {e}")
def writeCache(id: int, names: list, cache: dict):
if args.nocache: return
logging.debug(f" writeCache({id}, {names})")
@ -226,27 +296,36 @@ def getSeriesId(info: EpisodeInfo, args: dict):
# Load good series name. First from cache, then from TvDB
cache = loadCache()
(id, niceName) = fromCache(cache)
if id:
(id, niceName) = fromTvdb()
# ID already known (probably input from user), so load series name
if info.seriesId:
cache = loadCache()
niceName = fromCacheWithId(cache, info.seriesId)
if not niceName:
niceName = fromTvdbWithId(info.seriesId)
if niceName:
writeCache(info.seriesId, [ info.seriesName, niceName ], cache)
info.seriesName = niceName
# Load good series name and id. First from cache, then from TvDB
if not info.seriesId:
cache = loadCache()
(id, niceName) = fromCacheWithName(cache, info.seriesName)
if id:
names = [ niceName ]
thirdName = checkWhetherSeriesNameContainsEpisodeName(niceName)
if thirdName: names.append(thirdName)
else: names.append(info.seriesName)
writeCache(id, names, cache)
(id, niceName) = fromTvdbWithName(info.seriesName)
if id:
names = [ niceName ]
thirdName = checkWhetherSeriesNameContainsEpisodeName(niceName)
if thirdName: names.append(thirdName)
else: names.append(info.seriesName)
writeCache(id, names, cache)
if not id: return None
if not id: return
else: info.seriesName = niceName
if id:
info.seriesName = niceName
return id
info.seriesId = id
def getEpgData(info: EpisodeInfo):
@ -306,10 +385,10 @@ def getEpgData(info: EpisodeInfo):
logging.debug(" set: {info.description}")
class Episodes:
def __init__(self, seriesID: int, args: dict):
self.seriesID = seriesID
def __init__(self, seriesId: int, args: dict):
self.seriesId = seriesId
self.args = args
self.path = os.path.join(workingDir, f"episode-{seriesID}.cache")
self.path = os.path.join(workingDir, f"episode-{seriesId}.cache")
self.fromCache = None
def _loadCache(self):
@ -328,7 +407,7 @@ class Episodes:
logging.debug(f" fromTvdb()")
episodes = tvdb.series.Series_Episodes(self.seriesID, language=self.args.language).all()
episodes = tvdb.series.Series_Episodes(self.seriesId, language=self.args.language).all()
return episodes
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f" Exception: {e}")
@ -355,12 +434,12 @@ class Episodes:
return episodes
def getEpisodeTitleFromEpgData(info: EpisodeInfo, seriesID: int, args: dict):
def getEpisodeTitleFromEpgData(info: EpisodeInfo, args: dict):
if not info.description:
logging.debug(f" no description")
return # Nothing we can do about it :(
E = Episodes(seriesID, args)
E = Episodes(info.seriesId, args)
regex = re.compile("[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]")
def get(dct: dict, keys: list):
@ -396,7 +475,7 @@ def getEpisodeTitleFromEpgData(info: EpisodeInfo, seriesID: int, args: dict):
for i in range(2): # Try once from cache and once from TvDB
episodes = E.get()
if not episodes: continue# Nothing we can do about it :(
episodesByName = { e["episodeName"].strip(): e for e in episodes }
episodesByName = { e["episodeName"].strip(): e for e in episodes if e is not None and e["episodeName"] }
if info.maybeEpisodeTitle and info.maybeEpisodeTitle in episodesByName:
@ -411,7 +490,7 @@ def getEpisodeTitleFromEpgData(info: EpisodeInfo, seriesID: int, args: dict):
if found: return
logging.debug(" searching for a matching episode name more liberally")
episodesByName2 = { regex.sub("", e["episodeName"]).lower().strip(): e for e in episodes }
episodesByName2 = { regex.sub("", e["episodeName"]).lower().strip(): e for e in episodes if e is not None }
def searchByName2(title: str):
title = regex.sub("", title).lower().strip()
logging.debug(f' trying "{title}"')
@ -422,7 +501,7 @@ def getEpisodeTitleFromEpgData(info: EpisodeInfo, seriesID: int, args: dict):
logging.debug(" searching for a matching description (startswith)")
def searchByOverview(overview: str):
logging.debug(f' trying "{overview}"')
results = [ e for e in episodes if e["overview"] and e["overview"].strip().startswith(overview) ]
results = [ e for e in episodes if e is not None and e["overview"] and e["overview"].strip().startswith(overview) ]
if len(results) == 1: return results[0]
return None
found = doSearch(searchByOverview)
@ -432,7 +511,7 @@ def getEpisodeTitleFromEpgData(info: EpisodeInfo, seriesID: int, args: dict):
def searchByOverview2(overview: str):
overview = regex.sub("", overview).lower().strip()
logging.debug(f' trying "{overview}"')
results = [ e for e in episodes if e["overview"] and regex.sub("", e["overview"]).lower().strip().startswith(overview) ]
results = [ e for e in episodes if e is not None and e["overview"] and regex.sub("", e["overview"]).lower().strip().startswith(overview) ]
if len(results) == 1: return results[0]
return None
found = doSearch(searchByOverview2)
@ -440,9 +519,9 @@ def getEpisodeTitleFromEpgData(info: EpisodeInfo, seriesID: int, args: dict):
def getEpisodeTitleFromTvdb(info: EpisodeInfo, seriesID: int, args: dict):
def getEpisodeTitleFromTvdb(info: EpisodeInfo, args: dict):
episodes = Episodes(seriesID, args).get()
episodes = Episodes(info.seriesId, args).get()
if not episodes: return # Nothing we can do :(
def get(dct: dict, keys: list):
@ -461,6 +540,7 @@ def getEpisodeTitleFromTvdb(info: EpisodeInfo, seriesID: int, args: dict):
def printResult(info: EpisodeInfo):
if info.seriesName and info.season and info.episode:
episodeTitle = info.episodeTitle.replace(' ', '.') if info.episodeTitle else ""
episodeTitle = episodeTitle.replace('?', '') # Remove ? because Samba doesn't like them
print(f"{info.seriesName.replace(' ', '.')}..S{info.season:02d}E{info.episode:02d}..{episodeTitle}.{info.fileSuffix}")
@ -471,12 +551,14 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format="%(asctime)s %(message)s")
args = parseArgs()
info = analyzeFilename(args.file)
id = getSeriesId(info, args)
if not id: sys.exit(ExitCode.SeriesNotFoundInTvDB)
manual = readManualInfo(args.file, info)
if manual or not info.seriesId or not info.seriesName:
getSeriesId(info, args)
if not info.seriesId: sys.exit(ExitCode.SeriesNotFoundInTvDB)
if not info.season or not info.episode:
getEpisodeTitleFromEpgData(info, id, args)
getEpisodeTitleFromEpgData(info, args)
if not info.episodeTitle:
getEpisodeTitleFromTvdb(info, id, args)
getEpisodeTitleFromTvdb(info, args)

testing/manual.json Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"Die_Bruecke_Transit_in_den_Tod_18.09.22_00-45_zdf_115_TVOON_DE.mpg.HD.avi": {
"Series": 252019,
"Season": 1,
"Episode": 1

View file

@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ files=(
# Difficult search for series
# Take Season and Episode info from manual.json
if [ -f test.sh ]; then
@ -38,6 +40,10 @@ fi
function finish {
pushd $path
# Restore manual.json
if [ -f "manual.json.orig" ]; then
mv "manual.json.orig" "manual.json"
# Restore *.cache
for f in `ls *.cache.orig`; do
mv "$f" "${f::-5}"
@ -48,6 +54,11 @@ trap finish EXIT
function init {
pushd $path
# Backup and replace manual.json
if [ -f "$path/manual.json" ]; then
mv "$path/manual.json" "$path/manual.json.orig"
cp "$(dirname $0)/manual.json" "$path/manual.json"
# Remove caches
for f in `ls *.cache`; do
mv "$f" "$f.orig"