2020-01-09 09:57:45 +01:00

90 lines
2.4 KiB

baseURL = "https://www.shintai-brv.de/"
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# To provide more meta data for search engings feel free to add a few informations.
# This lines will be inserted as meta tags.
name = "Shintai Judoschule Bremervörde"
description = ""
email = ""
# If this param is set to true, every section gets an own background image (located at static/images)
# to change the image you could use the param picture on every section.
# If it's disabled you could change the background to overwrite the bg.png and overlay.png to set the background.
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title = "SHINTAI Judoschule Bremervörde e.V."
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title = "Kontakt"
# the picture is storead at static/images/
#picture = "pic01.jpg"
id = "trainingszeiten"
type = "trainingszeiten"
title = "Trainingszeiten"
# the picture is storead at static/images/
#picture = "pic03.jpg"
day = "Montag"
description = "Judo, 5 bis 9 Jahre: 18 - 19 Uhr<br/>Judo, 10 bis 14 Jahre: 19 - 20 Uhr<br/>Technik, ab 14 Jahre: 20 - 21 Uhr"
day = "Mittwoch"
description = "Judo, 5 bis 9 Jahre: 17:30 - 18:30 Uhr<br/>Judo, 10 bis 14 Jahre: 18:30 - 19:30 Uhr<br/>Technik, ab 14 Jahre: 19:30 - 20:15 Uhr<br/>Randori, ab 15 Jahre: 20:15 - 21:00 Uhr"
day = "Freitag"
description = "Judo, Mädchen, 5 bis 13 Jahre: 17 - 18 Uhr<br/>Judo, Jungen, 5 bis 13 Jahre: 18 - 19 Uhr<br/>Technik, ab 14 Jahre: 19 - 19:45 Uhr"
day = "1. & 3. Samstag im Monat"
description = "Judo-Fitness, Kraft/Ausdauer: 9 - 10 Uhr<br/>Selbstverteidigung: 10 - 11 Uhr"
day = "2. & 4. Samstag im Monat"
description = "Selbstverteidigung: 13 - 14 Uhr<br/>Dan Vorbereitung: 14 - 16 Uhr"