Jonny007-MKD 30ac020694 Added Datenschutzerklärung, footer
Encoded email in Kontakt
2018-08-13 21:22:52 +02:00

36 lines
1.2 KiB

{{ "<!--" | safeHTML}}
Highlights by HTML5 UP
html5up.net | @n33co
Free for personal and commercial use under the CCA 3.0 license (html5up.net/license)
{{ "-->" | safeHTML }}
{{ partial "head.html" . }}
{{ $list := .Site.Params.block }}
{{ partial "hero.html" (dict "block" .Site.Params.hero "params" $.Site.Params "next" (index $list 0)) }}
{{ range $index, $element := $list }}
{{ $last := eq $index (sub (len $list) 2) }}
{{ if and $.Site.Params.footer.enable $last }}
{{"<!-- Footer -->" | safeHTML}}
<section id="footer">
{{ end }}
{{ if $last }}
{{ partial (print $element.type ".html") (dict "block" $element "params" $.Site.Params) }}
{{ else }}
{{ partial (print $element.type ".html") (dict "block" $element "params" $.Site.Params "next" (index $list (add $index 1))) }}
{{ end }}
{{ if and $.Site.Params.footer.enable $last }}
{{ if $.Site.Params.footer.social_list.enable }}
{{ partial "footer-social.html" $.Site.Params.footer }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ partial "scripts.html" . }}
{{- partial "footer_custom.html" . }}