Changed timer to support EilDll ModbusStructs.cin Removed header from all structs ModbusProtocol.cpp Fixed data length issue (l. 353) More precise info in InspectProtocol() New getter: GetAddrNCount()
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(c) Vector Informatik GmbH. All rights reserved.
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#pragma once
#include <fstream>
//! Signal protocol class
This class implements the NIPB::IProtocol interface. It handles the
Modbus protocol
The protocol is located within a UDP protocol and uses the UDP
ports 50002 and 502. The first 8 Bytes of the UDP payload
contain the header:
[0,2] Transaction ID
[2,2] Protocol ID (Modbus := 0x0000)
[4,2] Length (Number of following bytes)
[6,1] Unit ID (not used)
[7,1] Function Code
class ModbusProtocol :
public NIPB::IProtocol
static const ULONG kHeaderLength = 8; // see above
static const ULONG kHeaderBitLength = kHeaderLength*8;
static const WORD kClientPort = 502;
static const WORD kServerPort = 502;
// Construction
// IProtocol
//! Initialize the protocol
\param protocolManager The protocol manager for this protocol. The pointer can be stored and is valid
during the whole lifetime of the IProtocol object.
\param networkModel The network model for this protocol. The pointer can be stored and is valid
during the whole lifetime of the IProtocol object.
\param modelCreator Define network model entities with this object. Pointer is only valid during this call.
VDEF Initialize ( NIPB::IProtocolManager /*in*/ *protocolManager, NIPB::INetworkModel /*in*/ *networkModel, NIPB::INetworkModelCreator /*in*/ *modelCreator );
//! Deinitialize the protocol
\param protocolManager The protocol manager for this protocol. The pointer is invalid after Deinitialize.
\param networkModel The network model for this protocol. The pointer is invalid after Deinitialize.
VDEF Deinitialize ( NIPB::IProtocolManager /*in*/ *protocolManager, NIPB::INetworkModel /*in*/ *networkModel );
//! Returns the textual designator of the protocol
The designator is used to access the protocol in CAPL (via Nodelayer) or the GUI of CANoe/CANalyzer.
\param bufferSize Length of 'buffer'. Must not > 0
\param buffer The designator is copied to this buffer. Must not be 0
VDEF GetDesignator ( unsigned long /*in*/ bufferSize, char /*out**/ *buffer );
//! Unique token identifier of the protocol
The VTokenId of the protocol is registerd on startup during defintion of the protocol token.
\param identifier A pointer to a VTokenId, which retrieves the identifier. Must not be 0
VDEF GetIdentifier ( NIPB::VTokenId /*out*/ *identifier );
//! Returns specific encoder for a token ID
The IEncoder is used to access a token within a IPacket.
\param tokenId Token identifier for which the encoder is requested.
\param encoder Returns a pointer to the encoder. Must not be 0.
VDEF GetEncoder ( NIPB::VTokenId /*in*/ tokenId, NIPB::IEncoder /*out*/ **encoder );
//! Initialize a specific protocol during creation of a new packet
Use this method to setup a protocol within a packet.
\param packet The packet where the protocol should be setup. Must not be 0.
\param protocolTypeId Type ID for a specific type of the protocol, i.e ARP request or ARP response
\param topProtocolToken Points to the top most protocol within the packet.
\param protocolToken This strucuture must be filled in InitProtocol.
VDEF InitProtocol ( NIPB::IPacket /*in*/ *packet, NIPB::VTokenId /*in*/ protocolTypeId, const NIPB::VProtocolToken /*in*/ *topProtocolToken, NIPB::VProtocolToken /*out*/ *protocolToken);
//! Complete the protocol at the end of creation/modification of a packet.
In this function the checksum or length field of a protocol can be calculated.
\param packet The packet to complete
\param protocol Points to the protocol token for this protocol
VDEF CompleteProtocol( NIPB::IPacket /*in*/ *packet, const NIPB::VProtocolToken /*in*/ *modbus ); // Is *modbus UDP or Modbus?
//! Parse a received packet.
The method is called, when a packet is parsed. During parsing the VProtocols structure is initialzed
with the protocol information, whiche are returnd with 'protocolToken'.
\param packet The packet to parse.
\param topProtocolToken Points to the top most, already parsed protocol within the packet.
\param errorWriter Use this interface to returne parsing errors, i.e wrong checksum
\param nextProcotolId Return the VTokenId of the next protocol.
\param protocolToken Fill this strucutre to setup the VProtocols structure.
VDEF ParsePacket ( NIPB::IPacket /*in*/ *packet, const NIPB::VProtocolToken /*in*/ *topProtocolToken, NIPB::IFormatter /*in*/ *errorWriter, NIPB::VTokenId /*out*/ *nextProcotolId, NIPB::VProtocolToken /*out*/ *protocolToken );
//! Return a token of a protocol.
The function must fill the 'token' with the information of the request 'tokenId'.
\param protocolToken Points the the VProtocolToken for the protocol.
\param tokenId The identifier of the requested token.
\param token Points to a VToken, which must be fille by this function.
VDEF GetToken ( const NIPB::VProtocolToken /*in*/ *protocolToken, NIPB::VTokenId /*in*/ tokenId, NIPB::VToken /*out*/ *token );
//! Build a tree with information of the protocol.
The function is used in CANoe/CANalyzer in the detail view of the trace window to build
a tree with protocols and fields.
\param protocolToken Protocol token of this protocol
\param type Inspection type
\param inspector IPacketInspectore to create the output.
VDEF InspectProtocol ( const NIPB::VProtocolToken /*in*/ *protocolToken, NIPB::VInspectionType /*in*/ type, NIPB::IPacketInspector /*in*/ *inspector );
// Methods
ULONG GetContentId( const BYTE *packetData, ULONG packetLength, const NIPB::VProtocolToken &protocol );
WORD GetTxId( const BYTE *packetData, ULONG packetLength, const NIPB::VProtocolToken &protocol );
ULONG GetIp( const BYTE *packetData, ULONG packetLength, const NIPB::VProtocolToken &protocol );
BYTE GetFuncCode( const BYTE *packetData, ULONG packetLength, const NIPB::VProtocolToken &protocol );
BYTE GetFirstDataByte( const BYTE *packetData, ULONG packetLength, const NIPB::VProtocolToken &protocol );
ULONG GetAddrNCount( const BYTE *packetData, ULONG packetLength, const NIPB::VProtocolToken &protocol );
static NIPB::VResult MakeHeaderToken( const NIPB::VProtocolToken /*in*/ *protocolToken, NIPB::VTokenId /*in*/ tokenId, ULONG /*in*/ offset, ULONG /*in*/ length, NIPB::VToken /*out*/ *token );
static NIPB::VResult MakePayloadToken( const NIPB::VProtocolToken /*in*/ *protocolToken, NIPB::VTokenId /*in*/ tokenId, ULONG /*in*/ offset, ULONG /*in*/ length, NIPB::VToken /*out*/ *token );
static void FormatUnsigned( NIPB::IPacketInspector *inspector, LPCTSTR label, NIPB::VTokenId tokenId, ULONG value, ULONG valueLength );
static void FormatUnsigned( NIPB::IPacketInspector *inspector, LPCTSTR labelPre, NIPB::VTokenId tokenId, LPCTSTR labelPost, ULONG value, ULONG valueLength );
static void FormatString( NIPB::IPacketInspector *inspector, LPCTSTR text );
static NIPB::VResult SetTokenUnsigned( NIPB::VProtocolToken &protocolToken, NIPB::VTokenId tokenId, ULONG valueLength, ULONG value );
static NIPB::VResult SetTokenData( NIPB::VProtocolToken &protocolToken, NIPB::VTokenId tokenId, ULONG dataLength, const BYTE *data );
// Attributes
NIPB::VTokenId mProtocolId; //!< Token ID of this protocol
NIPB::VTokenId mTxId; //!< Token ID of the 'TxID' field
NIPB::VTokenId mProtType; //!< Token ID of the 'ProtocolID' field
NIPB::VTokenId mLength; //!< Token ID of the 'Length' field
NIPB::VTokenId mUnitId; //!< Token ID of the 'UnitID' field
NIPB::VTokenId mFuncCode; //!< Token ID of the 'FuncCode' field
NIPB::IProtocolManager *mProtocolManager;
std::ofstream log;