Modbus TCP Stack implemented

This commit is contained in:
Jonny007-MKD 2014-05-08 13:34:28 +00:00
parent 584a787814
commit 4484ed15fb
10 changed files with 836 additions and 153 deletions

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@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
#include "TcpCommon.cin"
// Get information of local network interface such like ip address
on preStart
on start
long fehler;
TcpConnectTo("", 502);
on key 's'
on key 'r'
void SendTcpData()
const word length = 12;
byte buffer[length];
// Modbus Application Header
buffer[00] = 0x0C; // [2] Transaction ID
buffer[01] = 0x2D;
buffer[02] = 0x00; // [2] Protocol ID = 0
buffer[03] = 0x00;
buffer[04] = (length-6)>>8; // [2] Length; Number of bytes following
buffer[05] = (length-6)&0xFF;
buffer[06] = 0xFF; // [1] Unit identifier; not relevant
// Payload
buffer[07] = 0x01; // [1] Function Code; 1:Read DI; 2:Read DIO; 3:Read AIO; 4:Read AI; 5:Write 1 DO; 6:Write 1 AO; 7: Read Exeption, 15:Write n DO; 16:Write n AO;
buffer[08] = 0x00; // [2] Start address
buffer[09] = 0x00;
buffer[10] = 0x01; // [2] Number of items; 1:max 2000=0x7D0
buffer[11] = 0xFF;

Modbus/ModbusTcpCommon.cin Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
#include "TcpCommon.cin"
struct ModbusApHeader {
word TxID;
word Protocol;
word Length;
byte UnitID;
byte FuncCode;
struct ModbusRead {
struct ModbusApHeader Header;
word Address;
word Count;
struct ModbusWriteSingle {
struct ModbusApHeader Header;
word Address;
word Value;
struct ModbusWriteMultiple {
struct ModbusApHeader Header;
word Address;
word Count;
byte ByteCount;
// TODO: Add request timeout timers
void ModbusInit(char Remote_IP[], word Remote_Port)
TcpConnectTo("", 502);
void ModbusMakeHeader(struct ModbusApHeader mbap, byte length)
mbap.TxID = 0x1234; // [2] Transaction ID. Not needed here?
mbap.Protocol = 0x0000; // [2] Protocol ID = 0 = Modbus
mbap.Length = length-6; // [2] Length; Number of bytes following
mbap.UnitID = 0xFF; // [1] Unit identifier; not relevant
// 2:Read DIO; 3:Read AIO; 4:Read AI; 5:Write 1 DO; 6:Write 1 AO; 7: Read Exeption, 15:Write n DO; 16:Write n AO;
void ModbusReadBits(word address, word count)
const byte length = 12;
byte buffer[length];
struct ModbusRead mbr;
ModbusMakeHeader(mbr.Header, length);
// Payload
mbr.Header.FuncCode = 0x01; // [1] Function Code; 1: Read Coils (DI), 2: Read Discret Inputs (DIO), seems to be the same for WAGO 750-881
mbr.Address = address; // [2] Start address
mbr.Count = count; // [2] Number of items; 1:max 2000=0x7D0
memcpy_h2n(buffer, mbr);
void OnModbusReceiveBits(byte response[], dword size)
writeLineEx(0, 1, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> OnModbusReceiveBits: Received %d bytes: %d...", response[0], response[1]);
void ModbusReadRegisters(word address, word count) // 16 bit
const byte length = 12;
byte buffer[length];
struct ModbusRead mbr;
ModbusMakeHeader(mbr.Header, length);
// Payload
mbr.Header.FuncCode = 0x03; // [1] Function Code; 3: Read Holding Registers (AI), 4: Read Input Registers (AIO), seems to be the same for WAGO 750-881
mbr.Address = address; // [2] Start address
mbr.Count = count; // [2] Number of items; 1:max 2000=0x7D0
memcpy_h2n(buffer, mbr);
void OnModbusReceiveRegisters(byte response[], dword size)
writeLineEx(0, 1, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> OnModbusReceiveRegisters: Received %d bytes: %d...", response[0]/2, response[1]<<8+response[2]);
void ModbusWriteBit(word address, byte value)
const byte length = 12;
byte buffer[length];
struct ModbusWriteSingle mbw;
if (value >= 1)
value = 0xFF;
ModbusMakeHeader(mbw.Header, length);
// Payload
mbw.Header.FuncCode = 0x05; // [1] Function Code; 5: Write Single Coil (DO)
mbw.Address = address; // [2] Output address
mbw.Value = value << 8; // [2] Output value (0x0000: Off, 0xFF00: On)
memcpy_h2n(buffer, mbw);
void OnModbusConfirmBit(byte response[], dword size)
writeLineEx(0, 1, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> OnModbusConfirmBit: Set bit 0x%X to %d", (response[0]<<8) + response[1], ((response[2]<<8) + response[3] > 0 ? 1 : 0));
void ModbusWriteRegister(word address, word value)
const byte length = 12;
byte buffer[length];
struct ModbusWriteSingle mbw;
ModbusMakeHeader(mbw.Header, length);
// Payload
mbw.Header.FuncCode = 0x06; // [1] Function Code; 5: Write Single Register (AO)
mbw.Address = address; // [2] Output address
mbw.Value = value; // [2] Output value
memcpy_h2n(buffer, mbw);
void OnModbusConfirmRegister(byte response[], dword size)
writeLineEx(0, 1, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> OnModbusConfirmRegister: Set register 0x%X to %d", (response[0]<<8) + response[1], (response[2]<<8) + response[3]);
void ModbusWriteBits(word address, word count, byte values[])
const byte length = 13 + 2; //_ceil(count / 8.0)
byte buffer[length];
struct ModbusWriteMultiple mbw;
word i;
ModbusMakeHeader(mbw.Header, length);
// Payload
mbw.Header.FuncCode = 0x0F; // [1] Function Code; 15: Write Multiple Bits (DOs)
mbw.Address = address; // [2] Output address
mbw.Count = count; // [2] Number of items; 1:max 1968=0x7B0
mbw.ByteCount = 2; // [1] Number of bytes; = ceil(count/8)
memcpy_h2n(buffer, mbw);
for (i = 0; i < length-13; i++)
buffer[i+13] = values[i];
void ModbusWriteBitsB(word address, word count, byte values[])
byte buffer[2]; // length
word length;
dword ellCount;
dword i;
dword j;
char str1[20*3], str2[20*3];
ellCount = elCount(values);
length = (word)_ceil(ellCount / 8.0);
//writeLineEx(0, 3, "ellCount: %d; length: %d", ellCount, length);
if (ellCount % 8 != 0)
for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
buffer[i] = 0;
for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
buffer[i] |= (values[i*8 + j] & 0x01) << j;
//writeLineEx(0, 3, "j: %d; indx: %d; value: %d; mask: %X", j, i*8 + j, values[i*8 + j], (0x01 << j));
//writeLineEx(0, 3, "%d: %X", i, buffer[i]);
for (j = 0; j < ellCount % 8; j++) // wont be executed if there is no remainder
//writeLineEx(0, 3, "j: %d; indx: %d; value: %d; mask: %X", j, (length-1)*8 + j, values[(length-1)*8 + j], (0x01 << j));
buffer[length] |= (values[(length)*8 + j] & 0x01) << j;
//writeLineEx(0, 3, "%d: %X", length-1, buffer[length-1]);
bin_to_strhex(values, str1);
bin_to_strhex(buffer, str2);
writeLineEx(0, 1, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> ModbusWriteBitsB: Encoded %s to %s", str1, str2);
ModbusWriteBits(address, count, buffer);
void OnModbusConfirmBits(byte response[], dword size)
writeLineEx(0, 1, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> OnModbusConfirmBits: Set %d bits beginning with 0x%X", (response[2]<<8) + response[3], (response[0]<<8) + response[1]);
void ModbusWriteRegisters(word address, word count, word values[])
const byte length = 13 + 2; //13 + 2*count
byte buffer[length];
struct ModbusWriteMultiple mbw;
word i;
ModbusMakeHeader(mbw.Header, length);
// Payload
mbw.Header.FuncCode = 0x10; // [1] Function Code; 16: Write Multiple Registers (AOs)
mbw.Address = address; // [2] Output address
mbw.Count = count; // [2] Number of items; 1:max 123=0x7B
mbw.ByteCount = 2 * count; // [1] Number of bytes; = 2 * count
memcpy_h2n(buffer, mbw);
for (i = 0; i < length-13; i += 2)
buffer[i+13] = values[i] >> 8;
buffer[i+14] = values[i] & 0xFF;
void OnModbusConfirmRegisters(byte response[], dword size)
writeLineEx(0, 1, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> OnModbusConfirmRegisters: Set %d registers beginning with 0x%X", (response[2]<<8) + response[3], (response[0]<<8) + response[1]);
void OnTcpReceive(dword socket, long result, dword address, dword port, byte buffer[], dword size)
if (result == 0)
if (size == 0)
// Size of zero indicates that the socket was closed by the communication peer.
writeLineEx(0, 2, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> OnTcpReceive: Socket closed by peer");
g_%NODE_NAME%_TcpState = CLOSED;
// Sucessfully received some bytes over the TCP/IP connection.
OnModbusReceive(buffer, size);
gIpLastErr = g_%NODE_NAME%_Socket.GetLastSocketError();
g_%NODE_NAME%_Socket.GetLastSocketErrorAsString(gIpLastErrStr, elcount(gIpLastErrStr));
writeLineEx(0, 2, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> OnTcpReceive error (%d): %s", gIpLastErr, gIpLastErrStr);
g_%NODE_NAME%_TcpState = CLOSED;
void OnModbusReceive(byte buffer[], dword size)
// Test transaction identifier?
// Test unit/device identifier?
char str[20*3];
byte x[2];
byte mbuffer[8192];
dword i;
struct ModbusApHeader mbap;
memcpy_n2h(mbap, buffer);
if (size < 8) // No complete Modbus Application Header
writeLineEx(0, 2, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> OnModbusReceive Error: Tcp packet is too short: Length = %d", size);
if (size != 6 + mbap.Length) // TCP packet not as large as specified in length field
writeLineEx(0, 2, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> OnModbusReceive Error: Size of Tcp packet is incorrect: Length = %d, has to be %d", size, 6 + mbap.Length);
if (mbap.Protocol != 0) // Protocol is not Modbus (0x0000)
writeLineEx(0, 2, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> OnModbusReceive Error: Tcp packet is no Modbus packet: Protocol = %d", mbap.Protocol);
// MBAP Header is OK :) Go on
if (mbap.FuncCode > 0x80) // Oh no, we got a exception!
switch(buffer[08]) // Let's have a look at the reason
case 0x01: // Illegal function code: Implementation failure!
writeLineEx(0, 3, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> OnModbusReceive Exception: Illegal function code (0x01). The function code %d is unknown by the server.", buffer[7] & 0x0F);
case 0x02: // Illegal data address: Configuration failure!
writeLineEx(0, 3, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> OnModbusReceive Exception: Illegal data address (0x02). Please check your configuration!");
case 0x03: // Illegal data value: Depends.
writeLineEx(0, 3, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> OnModbusReceive Exception: Illegal data value (0x03).");
case 0x04: // Server failure: We can't do anything about that, can we?
writeLineEx(0, 3, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> OnModbusReceive Exception: Server failure (0x04). The server failed during execution.");
case 0x05: // Acknowledge: That's ok.
writeLineEx(0, 1, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> OnModbusReceive Exception: Acknowledge (0x05). The server simply needs more time to generate the response.");
case 0x06: // Server busy: We should resend the request.
writeLineEx(0, 3, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> OnModbusReceive Exception: Server busy (0x06). The request could not be accepted.");
case 0x0A: // Gateway problem: We don't have gateways :)
writeLineEx(0, 3, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> OnModbusReceive Exception: Gateway problem (0x0A). Gateway paths not available.");
case 0x0B: // Gateway problem: We don't have gateways :)
writeLineEx(0, 3, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> OnModbusReceive Exception: Gateway problem (0x0B). The targeted device failed to respond.");
// Extract the PDU for further processing
size -= 8;
for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
mbuffer[i] = buffer[i+8];
// Let's give the PDU to the corresponding function
switch (mbap.FuncCode)
case 0x01:
case 0x02:
OnModbusReceiveBits(mbuffer, size);
case 0x03:
case 0x04:
OnModbusReceiveRegisters(mbuffer, size);
case 0x05:
OnModbusConfirmBit(mbuffer, size);
case 0x0F:
OnModbusConfirmBits(mbuffer, size);
case 0x10:
OnModbusConfirmRegisters(mbuffer, size);

View file

@ -14,6 +14,9 @@ variables
char gIpLastErrStr[512] = ""; char gIpLastErrStr[512] = "";
TcpSocket g_%NODE_NAME%_Socket; TcpSocket g_%NODE_NAME%_Socket;
dword g_%NODE_NAME%_RemoteIP = INVALID_IP;
word g_%NODE_NAME%_RemotePort = 0;
enum TcpState { NULL, OK, ERROR, CLOSED }; enum TcpState { NULL, OK, ERROR, CLOSED };
enum TcpState g_%NODE_NAME%_TcpState = NULL; enum TcpState g_%NODE_NAME%_TcpState = NULL;
@ -38,33 +41,33 @@ dword TcpSetupIp(char Local_IP[])
switch (adapterCount) switch (adapterCount)
{ {
case 0: case 0:
writelineex(0, 3, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> Error: There is no network interface available!"); writeLineEx(0, 3, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> Error: There is no network interface available!");
stop(); stop();
return INVALID_IP; return INVALID_IP;
break; break;
case 1: case 1:
writelineex(0, 1, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> Info: There is 1 network interface available!"); writeLineEx(0, 1, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> Info: There is 1 network interface available!");
if (adapterIndex != 1) if (adapterIndex != 1)
{ {
writelineex(0, 3, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> Error: You have not selected the first adapter!"); writeLineEx(0, 3, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> Error: You have not selected the first adapter!");
stop(); stop();
return INVALID_IP; return INVALID_IP;
} }
break; break;
default: default:
writelineex(0, 1, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> Info: There are %d network interfaces available!", adapterCount); writeLineEx(0, 1, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> Info: There are %d network interfaces available!", adapterCount);
// // // // TEST \\ \\ \\ \\ // // // // TEST \\ \\ \\ \\
for (i = 1; i <= adapterCount; i++) for (i = 1; i <= adapterCount; i++)
{ {
IpGetAdapterDescription(i, text, size); IpGetAdapterDescription(i, text, size);
writelineex(0, 1, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> Info: Interface %d: %s", i, text); writeLineEx(0, 1, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> Info: Interface %d: %s", i, text);
} }
break; break;
} }
if (IpGetAdapterAddress(adapterIndex, addresses, 1) != 0) if (IpGetAdapterAddress(adapterIndex, addresses, 1) != 0)
{ {
writelineex(0, 3, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> Error: Could not retrieve IP address!"); writeLineEx(0, 3, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> Error: Could not retrieve IP address!");
stop(); stop();
return INVALID_IP; return INVALID_IP;
} }
@ -73,24 +76,24 @@ dword TcpSetupIp(char Local_IP[])
if (address == INVALID_IP) if (address == INVALID_IP)
{ {
writelineex(0, 3, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> Error: IP address to be used is invalid!"); writeLineEx(0, 3, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> Error: IP address to be used is invalid!");
stop(); stop();
return INVALID_IP; return INVALID_IP;
} }
IpGetAdapterDescription(adapterIndex, text, size); IpGetAdapterDescription(adapterIndex, text, size);
writelineex(0, 1, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> Interface: %s", text); writeLineEx(0, 1, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> Interface: %s", text);
writelineex(0, 1, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> Wrong interface? Change sysvar::TCPIP::AdapterIndex"); writeLineEx(0, 1, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> Wrong interface? Change sysvar::TCPIP::AdapterIndex");
IpGetAdapterAddressAsString(adapterIndex, text, size); IpGetAdapterAddressAsString(adapterIndex, text, size);
writelineex(0, 1, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> Ip address: %s", text); writeLineEx(0, 1, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> Ip address: %s", text);
strncpy(Local_IP, text, 16); strncpy(Local_IP, text, 16);
IpGetAdapterMaskAsString(adapterIndex, text, size); IpGetAdapterMaskAsString(adapterIndex, text, size);
writelineex(0, 1, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> Subnet mask: %s", text); writeLineEx(0, 1, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> Subnet mask: %s", text);
IpGetAdapterGatewayAsString(adapterIndex, text, size); IpGetAdapterGatewayAsString(adapterIndex, text, size);
writelineex(0, 1, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> Gateway address: %s", text); writeLineEx(0, 1, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> Gateway address: %s", text);
return address; return address;
} }
@ -116,19 +119,19 @@ word TcpOpenSocket()
if (g_%NODE_NAME%_Socket.GetLastSocketError() != 0) if (g_%NODE_NAME%_Socket.GetLastSocketError() != 0)
{ {
g_%NODE_NAME%_Socket.GetLastSocketErrorAsString(errorText, elcount(errorText)); g_%NODE_NAME%_Socket.GetLastSocketErrorAsString(errorText, elcount(errorText));
writelineex(0, 1, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> Error: could not open Tcp socket on %s:%d, %s (%d)!", Local_IP, localPort, errorText, g_%NODE_NAME%_Socket.GetLastSocketError()); writeLineEx(0, 1, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> Error: could not open Tcp socket on %s:%d, %s (%d)!", Local_IP, localPort, errorText, g_%NODE_NAME%_Socket.GetLastSocketError());
} }
} }
while (g_%NODE_NAME%_Socket.GetLastSocketError() != 0 && i++ < 9); while (g_%NODE_NAME%_Socket.GetLastSocketError() != 0 && i++ < 9);
if (g_%NODE_NAME%_Socket.GetLastSocketError() != 0) if (g_%NODE_NAME%_Socket.GetLastSocketError() != 0)
{ {
writelineex(0, 1, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> Error: could not open Tcp socket!"); writeLineEx(0, 1, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> Error: could not open Tcp socket!");
return g_%NODE_NAME%_Socket.GetLastSocketError(); return g_%NODE_NAME%_Socket.GetLastSocketError();
} }
else else
{ {
writelineex(0, 1, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> Tcp socket opened on %s:%d.", Local_IP, localPort); writeLineEx(0, 1, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> Tcp socket opened on %s:%d.", Local_IP, localPort);
} }
return 0; return 0;
@ -137,23 +140,33 @@ word TcpOpenSocket()
word TcpConnectTo(char Remote_IP[], word remotePort) word TcpConnectTo(char Remote_IP[], word remotePort)
{ {
dword remoteIp; dword remoteIp;
// Convert IP string to Number
remoteIp = IpGetAddressAsNumber(Remote_IP);
if (remoteIp == INVALID_IP)
writeLineEx(0, 1, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> Error: invalid server Ip address!");
return 1;
return TcpConnectTo(remoteIp, remotePort);
word TcpConnectTo(dword remoteIp, word remotePort)
long fehler; long fehler;
// Try to open a socket // Try to open a socket
fehler = TcpOpenSocket(); fehler = TcpOpenSocket();
if (fehler != 0) if (fehler != 0)
{ {
g_%NODE_NAME%_TcpState = ERROR;
return fehler; return fehler;
} }
// Convert IP string to Number g_%NODE_NAME%_RemoteIP = remoteIp;
remoteIp = IpGetAddressAsNumber(Remote_IP); g_%NODE_NAME%_RemotePort = remotePort;
if (remoteIp == INVALID_IP)
writelineex(0, 1, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> Error: invalid server Ip address!");
return 1;
// Connect to Server // Connect to Server
@ -171,11 +184,10 @@ word TcpConnectTo(char Remote_IP[], word remotePort)
} }
else else
{ {
writelineex(0, 1, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> Successfully connected to server %s:%d", Remote_IP, remotePort); writeLineEx(0, 1, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> Successfully connected to server");
g_%NODE_NAME%_TcpState = OK; g_%NODE_NAME%_TcpState = OK;
return 0; return 0;
} }
} }
void OnTcpConnect(dword socket, long result) void OnTcpConnect(dword socket, long result)
@ -183,13 +195,13 @@ void OnTcpConnect(dword socket, long result)
if (result != 0) if (result != 0)
{ {
g_%NODE_NAME%_Socket.GetLastSocketErrorAsString(gIpLastErrStr, elcount(gIpLastErrStr)); g_%NODE_NAME%_Socket.GetLastSocketErrorAsString(gIpLastErrStr, elcount(gIpLastErrStr));
writelineex(0, 2, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> OnTcpConnect error (%d): %s", g_%NODE_NAME%_Socket.GetLastSocketError(), gIpLastErrStr); writeLineEx(0, 2, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> OnTcpConnect error (%d): %s", g_%NODE_NAME%_Socket.GetLastSocketError(), gIpLastErrStr);
g_%NODE_NAME%_TcpState = ERROR; g_%NODE_NAME%_TcpState = ERROR;
return; return;
} }
else else
{ {
writelineex(0, 1, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> Successfully connected to server"); writeLineEx(0, 1, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> Successfully connected to server");
g_%NODE_NAME%_TcpState = OK; g_%NODE_NAME%_TcpState = OK;
} }
} }
@ -200,7 +212,7 @@ void TcpRecv()
if (g_%NODE_NAME%_TcpState != OK) if (g_%NODE_NAME%_TcpState != OK)
{ {
writelineex(0, 2, "TcpRecv: Socket status is not OK!"); writeLineEx(0, 2, "TcpRecv: Socket status is not OK!");
return; return;
} }
@ -213,7 +225,7 @@ void TcpRecv()
if (gIpLastErr != WSA_IO_PENDING) // Calling OnTcpReceive otherwise if (gIpLastErr != WSA_IO_PENDING) // Calling OnTcpReceive otherwise
{ {
g_%NODE_NAME%_Socket.GetLastSocketErrorAsString(gIpLastErrStr, elcount(gIpLastErrStr)); g_%NODE_NAME%_Socket.GetLastSocketErrorAsString(gIpLastErrStr, elcount(gIpLastErrStr));
writelineex(0, 2, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> TcpReceive error (%d): %s", gIpLastErr, gIpLastErrStr); writeLineEx(0, 2, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> TcpReceive error (%d): %s", gIpLastErr, gIpLastErrStr);
g_%NODE_NAME%_Socket.Close(); g_%NODE_NAME%_Socket.Close();
g_%NODE_NAME%_TcpState = CLOSED; g_%NODE_NAME%_TcpState = CLOSED;
} }
@ -222,6 +234,7 @@ void TcpRecv()
return; return;
} }
void OnTcpReceive(dword socket, long result, dword address, dword port, char buffer[], dword size) void OnTcpReceive(dword socket, long result, dword address, dword port, char buffer[], dword size)
{ {
char str[20*3]; char str[20*3];
@ -231,7 +244,7 @@ void OnTcpReceive(dword socket, long result, dword address, dword port, char buf
if (size == 0) if (size == 0)
{ {
// Size of zero indicates that the socket was closed by the communication peer. // Size of zero indicates that the socket was closed by the communication peer.
writelineex(0, 2, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> OnTcpReceive: Socket closed by peer"); writeLineEx(0, 2, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> OnTcpReceive: Socket closed by peer");
g_%NODE_NAME%_Socket.Close(); g_%NODE_NAME%_Socket.Close();
g_%NODE_NAME%_TcpState = CLOSED; g_%NODE_NAME%_TcpState = CLOSED;
} }
@ -239,18 +252,19 @@ void OnTcpReceive(dword socket, long result, dword address, dword port, char buf
{ {
// Sucessfully received some bytes over the TCP/IP connection. // Sucessfully received some bytes over the TCP/IP connection.
bin_to_strhex(gTcpRxBuffer, str); bin_to_strhex(gTcpRxBuffer, str);
writelineex(0, 1, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> OnTcpReceive: %s", str); writeLineEx(0, 1, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> OnTcpReceive: %s", str);
} }
} }
else else
{ {
gIpLastErr = g_%NODE_NAME%_Socket.GetLastSocketError(); gIpLastErr = g_%NODE_NAME%_Socket.GetLastSocketError();
g_%NODE_NAME%_Socket.GetLastSocketErrorAsString(gIpLastErrStr, elcount(gIpLastErrStr)); g_%NODE_NAME%_Socket.GetLastSocketErrorAsString(gIpLastErrStr, elcount(gIpLastErrStr));
writelineex(0, 2, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> OnTcpReceive error (%d): %s", gIpLastErr, gIpLastErrStr); writeLineEx(0, 2, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> OnTcpReceive error (%d): %s", gIpLastErr, gIpLastErrStr);
g_%NODE_NAME%_Socket.Close(); g_%NODE_NAME%_Socket.Close();
g_%NODE_NAME%_TcpState = CLOSED; g_%NODE_NAME%_TcpState = CLOSED;
} }
} }
void TcpSnd(byte buffer[]) void TcpSnd(byte buffer[])
{ {
@ -259,17 +273,21 @@ void TcpSnd(byte buffer[])
switch (g_%NODE_NAME%_TcpState) switch (g_%NODE_NAME%_TcpState)
{ {
case CLOSED: case CLOSED:
TcpOpenSocket(); TcpConnectTo(g_%NODE_NAME%_RemoteIP, g_%NODE_NAME%_RemotePort);
break; if (g_%NODE_NAME%_TcpState != OK)
writeLineEx(0, 2, "TcpSnd: Reconnecting failed!");
case OK: case OK:
break; break;
default: default:
writelineex(0, 2, "TcpSnd: Socket status is not OK!"); writeLineEx(0, 2, "TcpSnd: Socket status is not OK!");
return; return;
} }
bin_to_strhex(buffer, str); bin_to_strhex(buffer, str);
writelineex(0, 1, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> TcpSnd: %s (Länge: %d)", str, elCount(buffer)); writeLineEx(0, 1, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> TcpSnd: %s (Länge: %d)", str, elCount(buffer));
if (g_%NODE_NAME%_Socket.Send(buffer, elCount(buffer)) != 0) if (g_%NODE_NAME%_Socket.Send(buffer, elCount(buffer)) != 0)
{ {
@ -278,7 +296,7 @@ void TcpSnd(byte buffer[])
if (gIpLastErr != WSA_IO_PENDING) if (gIpLastErr != WSA_IO_PENDING)
{ {
g_%NODE_NAME%_Socket.GetLastSocketErrorAsString(gIpLastErrStr, elcount(gIpLastErrStr)); g_%NODE_NAME%_Socket.GetLastSocketErrorAsString(gIpLastErrStr, elcount(gIpLastErrStr));
writelineex(0, 2, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> TcpSnd error (%d): %s", gIpLastErr, gIpLastErrStr); writeLineEx(0, 2, "<%BASE_FILE_NAME%> TcpSnd error (%d): %s", gIpLastErr, gIpLastErrStr);
g_%NODE_NAME%_Socket.Close(); g_%NODE_NAME%_Socket.Close();
g_%NODE_NAME%_TcpState = CLOSED; g_%NODE_NAME%_TcpState = CLOSED;
} }

View file

@ -1,12 +1,17 @@
;CANoe Version |4|7|1|58720 modbus ;CANoe Version |4|7|1|42357 modbus
Version: 8.2.40 Build 40 Version: 8.2.40 Build 40
32 PRO 32 PRO
5 10
APPDIR Vector.CANoe.SignalGenerators.DLL APPDIR Vector.CANoe.SignalGenerators.DLL
Vector.CANoe.SignalGenerators, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANoe.SignalGenerators, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
Vector.CANoe.SignalGenerators.ComponentWrapper Vector.CANoe.SignalGenerators.ComponentWrapper
1 1
1.0.1 1.0.1
APPDIR Vector.CANoe.Debugger.DLL
Vector.CANoe.Debugger, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
VGlobalConfiguration 1 Begin_Of_Object VGlobalConfiguration 1 Begin_Of_Object
17 17
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@ -411,12 +416,12 @@ VCaplOptionsStreamer 3 Begin_Of_Object
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701 700
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@ -687,11 +692,11 @@ Begin_Of_Multi_Line_String
Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Actipro Software LLC. All rights reserved. Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Actipro Software LLC. All rights reserved.
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76 88
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7 7
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1 -1 2 3 -1 -1 -8 -30 171 76 688 306
Debugger - Programm: socket [Debugging ausgeschaltet]
2 3 -1 -1 -8 -30 171 76 688 306
6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 32767 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0
859 382
0 1 0 0 0 0 171 76 688 306
6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 32767 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0
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6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 32767 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0
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1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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APPDIR Vector.CANoe.Debugger.DLL
Vector.CANoe.Debugger, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
CANoe_Net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
APPDIR Vector.CANoe.Debugger.DLL
Vector.CANoe.Debugger, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
APPDIR Components\Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization\\Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization.dll
Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b273882a063429a6
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Actipro UIStudio Dock Controls
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<IPPlugIn.SE id="3" index="3" intVal="0" key="1702391908"/> <IPPlugIn.SE id="3" index="3" intVal="0" key="1702391908"/>
@ -4765,8 +5009,8 @@ EOF_MBSSDATA
<IPPlugIn.SE id="1005" intVal="0" key="1886352248"/> <IPPlugIn.SE id="1005" intVal="0" key="1886352248"/>
<IPPlugIn.SE id="1005" intVal="0" key="1886352249"/> <IPPlugIn.SE id="1005" intVal="0" key="1886352249"/>
<IPPlugIn.SE id="125" intVal="-1" key="7562604"/> <IPPlugIn.SE id="125" intVal="-1" key="7562604"/>
<IPPlugIn.SE id="102" index="1" intVal="493" key="1920231791"/> <IPPlugIn.SE id="102" index="1" intVal="397" key="1920231791"/>
<IPPlugIn.SE id="102" index="1" intVal="193" key="1936292453"/> <IPPlugIn.SE id="102" index="1" intVal="163" key="1936292453"/>
<IPPlugIn.SE id="102" index="1" intVal="1" key="1702391908"/> <IPPlugIn.SE id="102" index="1" intVal="1" key="1702391908"/>
<IPPlugIn.SE id="1004" intVal="-1" key="7499639"/> <IPPlugIn.SE id="1004" intVal="-1" key="7499639"/>
<IPPlugIn.SE id="1004" intVal="0" key="1886352248"/> <IPPlugIn.SE id="1004" intVal="0" key="1886352248"/>
@ -4789,11 +5033,11 @@ EOF_MBSSDATA
<IPPlugIn.SE id="1004" index="1" intVal="1397708114" key="1952540511"/> <IPPlugIn.SE id="1004" index="1" intVal="1397708114" key="1952540511"/>
<IPPlugIn.SE id="1004" intVal="1" key="1986622303"/> <IPPlugIn.SE id="1004" intVal="1" key="1986622303"/>
<IPPlugIn.SE id="1004" intVal="1145393987" key="1952540511"/> <IPPlugIn.SE id="1004" intVal="1145393987" key="1952540511"/>
<IPPlugIn.SE id="102" intVal="310" key="1920231791"/> <IPPlugIn.SE id="102" intVal="437" key="1920231791"/>
<IPPlugIn.SE id="102" intVal="187" key="1936292453"/> <IPPlugIn.SE id="102" intVal="199" key="1936292453"/>
<IPPlugIn.SE id="102" intVal="1" key="1702391908"/> <IPPlugIn.SE id="102" intVal="1" key="1702391908"/>
<IPPlugIn.SE id="102" intVal="0" key="1919247220"/> <IPPlugIn.SE id="102" intVal="0" key="1919247220"/>
<IPPlugIn.SE id="102" index="1" intVal="492" key="1919247220"/> <IPPlugIn.SE id="102" index="1" intVal="466" key="1919247220"/>
<IPPlugIn.SE id="102" index="2" intVal="0" key="1919247220"/> <IPPlugIn.SE id="102" index="2" intVal="0" key="1919247220"/>
<IPPlugIn.SE id="102" index="3" intVal="1188" key="1919247220"/> <IPPlugIn.SE id="102" index="3" intVal="1188" key="1919247220"/>
<IPPlugIn.SE id="1005" index="18" intVal="1" key="1702391908"/> <IPPlugIn.SE id="1005" index="18" intVal="1" key="1702391908"/>
@ -4866,7 +5110,7 @@ EOF_ASSEMBLYDATA
<VFileName V4 QL> 1 "IPServer.cbf" <VFileName V4 QL> 1 "IPServer.cbf"
VIPBStackSetting 8 Begin_Of_Object VIPBStackSetting 8 Begin_Of_Object
3 3
2 0
1 1
VIPBAdapterSetting 9 Begin_Of_Object VIPBAdapterSetting 9 Begin_Of_Object
4 4
@ -4969,7 +5213,7 @@ NULL
End_Of_Object VDOLocalInfoStruct 3 End_Of_Object VDOLocalInfoStruct 3
0.000000 0.000000
0 0 0 0
1 1 0 59420 1 233 1 2882400001 98 331 309 760 2882400002 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2882400001 972 972 311 311 2882400002 0 0 0 342574200 564561232 342632844 3 1 1 0 59420 1 233 1 2882400001 419 652 305 689 2882400002 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2882400001 1278 1278 307 307 2882400002 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
1 1
0 0
@ -4981,7 +5225,7 @@ Ethernet
11 11
1 1
1 1
564438760 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 2000 1 339354440 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 2000 1
1 1
2 2
@ -5017,7 +5261,7 @@ MDI_DOCK_INFO_END
1 1
6 6
0 1 -1 -1 -8 -30 162 249 890 645 0 1 -1 -1 -8 -30 162 249 890 645
6 1 1010 180 0 0 300 180 300 180 0 61440 1 12180 1904 0 0 0 0 260 0 0 0 1 5 32767 1 59422 1 5 1011 185 4 6 433 1 10 0 0 1 201 0 59419 1 6 1 1010 180 0 0 300 180 300 180 0 61440 1 12180 1904 0 0 0 0 260 0 0 0 1 5 32767 1 59422 1 5 1011 185 4 6 433 1 10 0 0 1 227 0 59419 1
1 1
2 2
@ -5090,7 +5334,7 @@ End_Of_Serialized_Data 2
End_Of_Object VWriteBox 2 End_Of_Object VWriteBox 2
VWinStore 2 Begin_Of_Object VWinStore 2 Begin_Of_Object
1 1
22 2 3 -32088 -32000 -1 -1 -10088 -10000 -9070 -9233 22 2 3 -1 -1 -1 -1 -10088 -10000 -9070 -9233
End_Of_Child_List End_Of_Child_List
End_Of_Object VWinStore 2 End_Of_Object VWinStore 2
VWinStore 2 Begin_Of_Object VWinStore 2 Begin_Of_Object
@ -5365,20 +5609,24 @@ HistoryEnd
FiltersBegin FiltersBegin
Begin Begin
3 0 0 3 0 0
-1 2
( 0)
Busstatistik Signale
( 1 ( 0 ) 0 )
SymbSelHeaderMgrBegin SymbSelHeaderMgrBegin
1 6 1 6
0 1 200 0 0 0 1 200 0 0
1 1 100 0 0 1 1 100 0 0
2 0 100 0 0 2 0 100 0 0
3 0 75 1 1 3 0 75 1 1
5 0 200 0 0 5 0 200 1 1
6 1 200 0 0 6 1 200 0 0
SymbSelHeaderMgrEnd SymbSelHeaderMgrEnd
End End
Begin Begin
3 0 0 3 0 0
-1 0
SymbSelHeaderMgrBegin SymbSelHeaderMgrBegin
1 4 1 4
0 1 200 0 0 0 1 200 0 0
@ -5388,7 +5636,7 @@ SymbSelHeaderMgrBegin
SymbSelHeaderMgrEnd SymbSelHeaderMgrEnd
End End
Begin Begin
3 0 0 3 0 -1
-1 -1
SymbSelHeaderMgrBegin SymbSelHeaderMgrBegin
1 3 1 3
@ -5399,25 +5647,11 @@ SymbSelHeaderMgrEnd
End End
FiltersEnd FiltersEnd
0 0 1 1
1 1
0 1
0 0

Modbus/socket.can Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
#include "ModbusCommon.cin"
msTimer muster;
byte gX[2] = {1, 0};
// Get information of local network interface such like ip address
on preStart
on start
long fehler;
ModbusInit("", 502);
on key 'a'
byte x[16] = {1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0};
ModbusWriteBitsB(0, 16, x);
on key 's'
byte x[16] = {0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1};
ModbusWriteBitsB(0, 16, x);
on key 'Y'
ModbusWriteBit(0, 0);
on key 'y'
ModbusWriteBit(0, 1);
on key 'X'
ModbusWriteBit(1, 0);
on key 'x'
ModbusWriteBit(1, 1);
on key 'C'
ModbusWriteBit(2, 0);
on key 'c'
ModbusWriteBit(2, 1);
on key 'V'
ModbusWriteBit(3, 0);
on key 'v'
ModbusWriteBit(3, 1);
on key '+'
byte x[2] = {0xFF, 0xFF};
ModbusWriteBits(0, 16, x);
on key '-'
byte x[2] = {0x00, 0x00};
ModbusWriteBits(0, 16, x);
on key 't'
setTimerCyclic(muster, 1);
on key 'T'
on timer muster
if (gX[0] != 0)
if (gX[0] == 0x80)
gX[0] = 0x00;
gX[1] = 0x01;
gX[0] <<= 1;
if (gX[1] == 0x80)
gX[0] = 0x01;
gX[1] = 0x00;
gX[1] <<= 1;
ModbusWriteBits(0, 16, gX);