using System;
using System.Text;
namespace ExtensionMethods
/// Add extensions to
public static class ByteExtensions
/// Convert the given to a string, but return null if == null
/// null or
public static string ToNullableString(this byte? Byte)
if (Byte == null)
return null;
return Byte.ToString();
/// Concatenates a speceified separator between each element of a specified array, yielding a single concatenated string
/// A
/// The concatenated
public static string Join(this sbyte[] array, string separator)
StringBuilder concat = new StringBuilder();
bool notFirst = false;
foreach (sbyte item in array)
if (notFirst)
notFirst = true;
return concat.ToString();
/// Concatenates a speceified separator between each element of a specified array, yielding a single concatenated string
/// A
/// T must be an enumerated type
/// The concatenated
public static string Join(this sbyte[] array, string separator) where T : struct, IConvertible
if (!typeof(T).IsEnum)
throw new ArgumentException("T must be an enumerated type");
StringBuilder concat = new StringBuilder();
bool notFirst = false;
foreach (sbyte item in array)
if (notFirst)
notFirst = true;
return concat.ToString();