using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using Microsoft.Win32; using Win32_SystemEvents = Microsoft.Win32.SystemEvents; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Drawing; using Trigger.Classes.Screen; namespace Trigger.Events { class System : EventPlugin { #region Properties private enum EventType : byte { InstalledFontsChanged, PaletteChanged, PowerModeChanged, PowerLineStatusChanged, BatteryStatusChanged, SessionEnding, SessionSwitch, UserPreferenceChanged, } private Dictionary oldValues = new Dictionary(); #region Register Parent Events private byte installedFontsChangedEnabled; private bool InstalledFontsChangedEnabled { set { if (value) installedFontsChangedEnabled++; else installedFontsChangedEnabled--; if (value && installedFontsChangedEnabled == 1) Win32_SystemEvents.InstalledFontsChanged += Win32_SystemEvents_InstalledFontsChanged; else if (installedFontsChangedEnabled == 0) Win32_SystemEvents.InstalledFontsChanged -= Win32_SystemEvents_InstalledFontsChanged; } get { return installedFontsChangedEnabled > 0; } } private byte paletteChangedEnabled; private bool PaletteChangedEnabled { set { if (value) paletteChangedEnabled++; else paletteChangedEnabled--; if (value && paletteChangedEnabled == 1) Win32_SystemEvents.PaletteChanged += Win32_SystemEvents_PaletteChanged; else if (paletteChangedEnabled == 0) Win32_SystemEvents.PaletteChanged -= Win32_SystemEvents_PaletteChanged; } get { return paletteChangedEnabled > 0; } } private byte sessionEndingEnabled; private bool SessionEndingEnabled { set { if (value) sessionEndingEnabled++; else sessionEndingEnabled--; if (value && sessionEndingEnabled == 1) Win32_SystemEvents.SessionEnding += Win32_SystemEvents_SessionEnding; else if (sessionEndingEnabled == 0) Win32_SystemEvents.SessionEnding -= Win32_SystemEvents_SessionEnding; } get { return sessionEndingEnabled > 0; } } private byte sessionSwitchEnabled; private bool SessionSwitchEnabled { set { if (value) sessionSwitchEnabled++; else sessionSwitchEnabled--; if (value && sessionSwitchEnabled == 1) Win32_SystemEvents.SessionSwitch += Win32_SystemEvents_SessionSwitch; else if (sessionSwitchEnabled == 0) Win32_SystemEvents.SessionSwitch -= Win32_SystemEvents_SessionSwitch; } get { return sessionEndingEnabled > 0; } } private byte userPreferenceChangedEnabled; private bool UserPreferenceChangedEnabled { set { if (value) userPreferenceChangedEnabled++; else userPreferenceChangedEnabled--; if (value && userPreferenceChangedEnabled == 1) Win32_SystemEvents.UserPreferenceChanged += Win32_SystemEvents_UserPreferenceChanged; else if (userPreferenceChangedEnabled == 0) Win32_SystemEvents.UserPreferenceChanged -= Win32_SystemEvents_UserPreferenceChanged; } get { return userPreferenceChangedEnabled > 0; } } #endregion #region Events #region InstalledFontsChanged private EventPlugin.Event OnInstalledFontsChanged; /// Occurs when the user adds fonts to or removes fonts from the system. public event EventPlugin.Event InstalledFontsChanged { add { if (!oldValues.ContainsKey(EventType.InstalledFontsChanged)) oldValues[EventType.InstalledFontsChanged] = Status.System.InstalledFonts; this.OnInstalledFontsChanged += value; InstalledFontsChangedEnabled = true; } remove { this.OnInstalledFontsChanged -= value; InstalledFontsChangedEnabled = false; } } #endregion #region - FontAdded private EventPlugin.EventValue OnFontAdded; /// Occurs when the user adds fonts to the system. public event EventPlugin.EventValue FontAdded { add { if (!oldValues.ContainsKey(EventType.InstalledFontsChanged)) oldValues[EventType.InstalledFontsChanged] = Status.System.InstalledFonts; this.OnFontAdded += value; InstalledFontsChangedEnabled = true; } remove { this.OnFontAdded -= value; InstalledFontsChangedEnabled = false; } } #endregion #region - FontRemoved private EventPlugin.EventValue OnFontRemoved; /// Occurs when the user removes fonts from the system. public event EventPlugin.EventValue FontRemoved { add { if (!oldValues.ContainsKey(EventType.InstalledFontsChanged)) oldValues[EventType.InstalledFontsChanged] = Status.System.InstalledFonts; this.OnFontRemoved += value; InstalledFontsChangedEnabled = true; } remove { this.OnFontRemoved -= value; InstalledFontsChangedEnabled = false; } } #endregion #region PaletteChanged /// Occurs when the user switches to an application that uses a different palette. private EventPlugin.Event OnPaletteChanged; public event EventPlugin.Event PaletteChanged { add { this.OnPaletteChanged += value; PaletteChangedEnabled = true; } remove { this.OnPaletteChanged -= value; PaletteChangedEnabled = false; } } #endregion #region SessionEnding private EventPlugin.EventReason OnSessionEnding; /// Occurs when the user is trying to log off or shut down the system. public event EventPlugin.EventReason SessionEnding { add { this.OnSessionEnding += value; SessionEndingEnabled = true; } remove { this.OnSessionEnding -= value; SessionEndingEnabled = false; } } #endregion #region - Logoff private EventPlugin.Event OnLogoff; /// Occurs when the user is trying to log off. public event EventPlugin.Event Logoff { add { this.OnLogoff += value; SessionEndingEnabled = true; } remove { this.OnLogoff -= value; SessionEndingEnabled = false; } } #endregion #region - Shutdown private EventPlugin.Event OnShutdown; /// Occurs when the user is trying to shut down the system. public event EventPlugin.Event Shutdown { add { this.OnShutdown += value; SessionEndingEnabled = true; } remove { this.OnShutdown -= value; SessionEndingEnabled = false; } } #endregion #region SessionSwitch private EventPlugin.EventReason OnSessionSwitch; /// Occurs when the currently logged-in user has changed. public event EventPlugin.EventReason SessionSwitch { add { this.OnSessionSwitch += value; SessionSwitchEnabled = true; } remove { this.OnSessionSwitch -= value; SessionSwitchEnabled = false; } } #endregion #region - ConsoleConnect private EventPlugin.Event OnConsoleConnect; /// A session has been connected from the console. public event EventPlugin.Event ConsoleConnect { add { this.OnConsoleConnect += value; SessionSwitchEnabled = true; } remove { this.OnConsoleConnect -= value; SessionSwitchEnabled = false; } } #endregion #region - ConsoleDisconnect private EventPlugin.Event OnConsoleDisconnect; /// A session has been disconnected from the console. public event EventPlugin.Event ConsoleDisconnect { add { this.OnConsoleDisconnect += value; SessionSwitchEnabled = true; } remove { this.OnConsoleDisconnect -= value; SessionSwitchEnabled = false; } } #endregion #region - RemoteConnect private EventPlugin.Event OnRemoteConnect; /// A session has been connected from a remote connection. public event EventPlugin.Event RemoteConnect { add { this.OnRemoteConnect += value; SessionSwitchEnabled = true; } remove { this.OnRemoteConnect -= value; SessionSwitchEnabled = false; } } #endregion #region - RemoteDisconnect private EventPlugin.Event OnRemoteDisconnect; /// A session has been disconnected from a remote connection. public event EventPlugin.Event RemoteDisconnect { add { this.OnRemoteDisconnect += value; SessionSwitchEnabled = true; } remove { this.OnRemoteDisconnect -= value; SessionSwitchEnabled = false; } } #endregion #region - SessionLock private EventPlugin.Event OnSessionLock; /// A session has been locked. public event EventPlugin.Event SessionLock { add { this.OnSessionLock += value; SessionSwitchEnabled = true; } remove { this.OnSessionLock -= value; SessionSwitchEnabled = false; } } #endregion #region - SessionLogoff private EventPlugin.Event OnSessionLogoff; /// A user has logged off from a session. public event EventPlugin.Event SessionLogoff { add { this.OnSessionLogoff += value; SessionSwitchEnabled = true; } remove { this.OnSessionLogoff -= value; SessionSwitchEnabled = false; } } #endregion #region - SessionLogon private EventPlugin.Event OnSessionLogon; /// A user has logged on to a session. public event EventPlugin.Event SessionLogon { add { this.OnSessionLogon += value; SessionSwitchEnabled = true; } remove { this.OnSessionLogon -= value; SessionSwitchEnabled = false; } } #endregion #region - SessionRemoteControl private EventPlugin.Event OnSessionRemoteControl; /// A session has changed its status to or from remote controlled mode. public event EventPlugin.Event SessionRemoteControl { add { this.OnSessionRemoteControl += value; SessionSwitchEnabled = true; } remove { this.OnSessionRemoteControl -= value; SessionSwitchEnabled = false; } } #endregion #region - SessionUnlock private EventPlugin.Event OnSessionUnlock; /// A session has been unlocked. public event EventPlugin.Event SessionUnlock { add { this.OnSessionUnlock += value; SessionSwitchEnabled = true; } remove { this.OnSessionUnlock -= value; SessionSwitchEnabled = false; } } #endregion #region UserPreferenceChanged private EventPlugin.EventReason OnUserPreferenceChanged; public event EventPlugin.EventReason UserPreferenceChanged { add { this.OnUserPreferenceChanged += value; UserPreferenceChangedEnabled = true; } remove { this.OnUserPreferenceChanged -= value; UserPreferenceChangedEnabled = false; } } #endregion #region - UserPreferenceAccessibilityChanged private EventPlugin.Event OnUserPreferenceAccessibilityChanged; public event EventPlugin.Event UserPreferenceAccessibilityChanged { add { this.OnUserPreferenceAccessibilityChanged += value; UserPreferenceChangedEnabled = true; } remove { this.OnUserPreferenceAccessibilityChanged -= value; UserPreferenceChangedEnabled = false; } } #endregion #region - UserPreferenceColorChanged private EventPlugin.Event OnUserPreferenceColorChanged; public event EventPlugin.Event UserPreferenceColorChanged { add { this.OnUserPreferenceColorChanged += value; UserPreferenceChangedEnabled = true; } remove { this.OnUserPreferenceColorChanged -= value; UserPreferenceChangedEnabled = false; } } #endregion #region - UserPreferenceDesktopChanged private EventPlugin.Event OnUserPreferenceDesktopChanged; public event EventPlugin.Event UserPreferenceDesktopChanged { add { this.OnUserPreferenceDesktopChanged += value; UserPreferenceChangedEnabled = true; } remove { this.OnUserPreferenceDesktopChanged -= value; UserPreferenceChangedEnabled = false; } } #endregion #region - UserPreferenceGeneralChanged private EventPlugin.Event OnUserPreferenceGeneralChanged; public event EventPlugin.Event UserPreferenceGeneralChanged { add { this.OnUserPreferenceGeneralChanged += value; UserPreferenceChangedEnabled = true; } remove { this.OnUserPreferenceGeneralChanged -= value; UserPreferenceChangedEnabled = false; } } #endregion #region - UserPreferenceIconChanged private EventPlugin.Event OnUserPreferenceIconChanged; public event EventPlugin.Event UserPreferenceIconChanged { add { this.OnUserPreferenceIconChanged += value; UserPreferenceChangedEnabled = true; } remove { this.OnUserPreferenceIconChanged -= value; UserPreferenceChangedEnabled = false; } } #endregion #region - UserPreferenceKeyboardChanged private EventPlugin.Event OnUserPreferenceKeyboardChanged; public event EventPlugin.Event UserPreferenceKeyboardChanged { add { this.OnUserPreferenceKeyboardChanged += value; UserPreferenceChangedEnabled = true; } remove { this.OnUserPreferenceKeyboardChanged -= value; UserPreferenceChangedEnabled = false; } } #endregion #region - UserPreferenceLocaleChanged private EventPlugin.Event OnUserPreferenceLocaleChanged; public event EventPlugin.Event UserPreferenceLocaleChanged { add { this.OnUserPreferenceLocaleChanged += value; UserPreferenceChangedEnabled = true; } remove { this.OnUserPreferenceLocaleChanged -= value; UserPreferenceChangedEnabled = false; } } #endregion #region - UserPreferenceMenuChanged private EventPlugin.Event OnUserPreferenceMenuChanged; public event EventPlugin.Event UserPreferenceMenuChanged { add { this.OnUserPreferenceMenuChanged += value; UserPreferenceChangedEnabled = true; } remove { this.OnUserPreferenceMenuChanged -= value; UserPreferenceChangedEnabled = false; } } #endregion #region - UserPreferenceMouseChanged private EventPlugin.Event OnUserPreferenceMouseChanged; public event EventPlugin.Event UserPreferenceMouseChanged { add { this.OnUserPreferenceMouseChanged += value; UserPreferenceChangedEnabled = true; } remove { this.OnUserPreferenceMouseChanged -= value; UserPreferenceChangedEnabled = false; } } #endregion #region - UserPreferencePolicyChanged private EventPlugin.Event OnUserPreferencePolicyChanged; public event EventPlugin.Event UserPreferencePolicyChanged { add { this.OnUserPreferencePolicyChanged += value; UserPreferenceChangedEnabled = true; } remove { this.OnUserPreferencePolicyChanged -= value; UserPreferenceChangedEnabled = false; } } #endregion #region - UserPreferencePowerChanged private EventPlugin.Event OnUserPreferencePowerChanged; public event EventPlugin.Event UserPreferencePowerChanged { add { this.OnUserPreferencePowerChanged += value; UserPreferenceChangedEnabled = true; } remove { this.OnUserPreferencePowerChanged -= value; UserPreferenceChangedEnabled = false; } } #endregion #region - UserPreferenceScreensaverChanged private EventPlugin.Event OnUserPreferenceScreensaverChanged; public event EventPlugin.Event UserPreferenceScreensaverChanged { add { this.OnUserPreferenceScreensaverChanged += value; UserPreferenceChangedEnabled = true; } remove { this.OnUserPreferenceScreensaverChanged -= value; UserPreferenceChangedEnabled = false; } } #endregion #region - UserPreferenceVisualStyleChanged private EventPlugin.Event OnUserPreferenceVisualStyleChanged; public event EventPlugin.Event UserPreferenceVisualStyleChanged { add { this.OnUserPreferenceVisualStyleChanged += value; UserPreferenceChangedEnabled = true; } remove { this.OnUserPreferenceVisualStyleChanged -= value; UserPreferenceChangedEnabled = false; } } #endregion #region - UserPreferenceWindowChanged private EventPlugin.Event OnUserPreferenceWindowChanged; public event EventPlugin.Event UserPreferenceWindowChanged { add { this.OnUserPreferenceWindowChanged += value; UserPreferenceChangedEnabled = true; } remove { this.OnUserPreferenceWindowChanged -= value; UserPreferenceChangedEnabled = false; } } #endregion #endregion #endregion #region Constructor & Destructor /// /// Disables all SystemEvents because they are static /// /// ~System() { if (installedFontsChangedEnabled > 0) Win32_SystemEvents.InstalledFontsChanged -= Win32_SystemEvents_InstalledFontsChanged; if (paletteChangedEnabled > 0) Win32_SystemEvents.PaletteChanged -= Win32_SystemEvents_PaletteChanged; if (sessionEndingEnabled > 0) Win32_SystemEvents.SessionEnding -= Win32_SystemEvents_SessionEnding; if (sessionSwitchEnabled > 0) Win32_SystemEvents.SessionSwitch -= Win32_SystemEvents_SessionSwitch; if (userPreferenceChangedEnabled > 0) Win32_SystemEvents.UserPreferenceChanged -= Win32_SystemEvents_UserPreferenceChanged; } #endregion #region Methods public override EventList EventNames() { EventList list = new EventList(); #region done EventListRow row = list.NewEventListRow(); row.Name = "InstalledFontsChanged"; row.Text = "Installed fonts changed"; row.Description = "The user added fonts to or removed fonts from the system."; row.Type = Manager.EventTypes.Simple; list.AddEventListRow(row); row = list.NewEventListRow(); row.Name = "FontAdded"; row.Text = "Font added"; row.Description = "The user added a font to the system"; row.Type = Manager.EventTypes.SingleValue; list.AddEventListRow(row); row = list.NewEventListRow(); row.Name = "FontRemoved"; row.Text = "Font removed"; row.Description = "The user removed a font from the system"; row.Type = Manager.EventTypes.SingleValue; list.AddEventListRow(row); row = list.NewEventListRow(); row.Name = "PowerModeChanged"; row.Text = "Power mode changed"; row.Description = "The user suspends or resumes the system"; row.Type = Manager.EventTypes.SingleValue; list.AddEventListRow(row); row = list.NewEventListRow(); row.Name = "Suspend"; row.Text = "Suspend"; row.Description = "The user suspends the system"; row.Type = Manager.EventTypes.Simple; list.AddEventListRow(row); row = list.NewEventListRow(); row.Name = "Resume"; row.Text = "Resume"; row.Description = "The user resumes the system"; row.Type = Manager.EventTypes.Simple; list.AddEventListRow(row); row = list.NewEventListRow(); row.Name = "SessionEnding"; row.Text = "Session ending"; row.Description = "The user is trying to log off or shut down the system"; row.Type = Manager.EventTypes.SingleValue; list.AddEventListRow(row); row = list.NewEventListRow(); row.Name = "Logoff"; row.Text = "Log off"; row.Description = "The user is trying to log off"; row.Type = Manager.EventTypes.Simple; list.AddEventListRow(row); row = list.NewEventListRow(); row.Name = "Shutdown"; row.Text = "Shut down"; row.Description = "The user is trying to shut down the system"; row.Type = Manager.EventTypes.Simple; list.AddEventListRow(row); row = list.NewEventListRow(); row.Name = "SessionSwitch"; row.Text = "Session switch"; row.Description = "The currently logged-in user has changed"; row.Type = Manager.EventTypes.SingleValue; list.AddEventListRow(row); row = list.NewEventListRow(); row.Name = "ConsoleConnect"; row.Text = "Console connect"; row.Description = "A session has been connected from the console"; row.Type = Manager.EventTypes.Simple; list.AddEventListRow(row); row = list.NewEventListRow(); row.Name = "ConsoleDisconnect"; row.Text = "Console disconnect"; row.Description = "A session has been disconnected from the console"; row.Type = Manager.EventTypes.Simple; list.AddEventListRow(row); row = list.NewEventListRow(); row.Name = "RemoteConnect"; row.Text = "Remote connect"; row.Description = "A session has been connected from a remote connection"; row.Type = Manager.EventTypes.Simple; list.AddEventListRow(row); row = list.NewEventListRow(); row.Name = "RemoteDisconnect"; row.Text = "Remote disconnect"; row.Description = "A session has been disconnected from a remote connection"; row.Type = Manager.EventTypes.Simple; list.AddEventListRow(row); row = list.NewEventListRow(); row.Name = "SessionLock"; row.Text = "Session locked"; row.Description = "A session has been locked"; row.Type = Manager.EventTypes.Simple; list.AddEventListRow(row); row = list.NewEventListRow(); row.Name = "SessionLogoff"; row.Text = "Session logged off"; row.Description = "A user has logged off from a session"; row.Type = Manager.EventTypes.Simple; list.AddEventListRow(row); row = list.NewEventListRow(); row.Name = "SessionLogon"; row.Text = "Session logged on"; row.Description = "A user has logged on to a session"; row.Type = Manager.EventTypes.Simple; list.AddEventListRow(row); row = list.NewEventListRow(); row.Name = "SessionRemoteControl"; row.Text = "Session remote controlled mode changed"; row.Description = "A session has changed its status to or from remote controlled mode"; row.Type = Manager.EventTypes.Simple; list.AddEventListRow(row); row = list.NewEventListRow(); row.Name = "SessionUnlock"; row.Text = "Session unlocked"; row.Description = "A session has been unlocked"; row.Type = Manager.EventTypes.Simple; list.AddEventListRow(row); row = list.NewEventListRow(); row.Name = "PaletteChanged"; row.Text = "Palette changed"; row.Description = "The user switched to an application that uses a different palette."; row.Type = Manager.EventTypes.Simple; list.AddEventListRow(row); #endregion row = list.NewEventListRow(); row.Name = "AAAA"; row.Text = "AAAA"; row.Description = "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"; row.Type = Manager.EventTypes.Simple; list.AddEventListRow(row); row = list.NewEventListRow(); row.Name = "AAAA"; row.Text = "AAAA"; row.Description = "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"; row.Type = Manager.EventTypes.Simple; list.AddEventListRow(row); row = list.NewEventListRow(); row.Name = "AAAA"; row.Text = "AAAA"; row.Description = "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"; row.Type = Manager.EventTypes.Simple; list.AddEventListRow(row); return list; } public override TreeNode GetStatus() { TreeNode tnMain = new TreeNode("System"); TreeNode tnEvents = tnMain.Nodes.Add("Registered events"); if (InstalledFontsChangedEnabled) { TreeNode tnEvent = tnEvents.Nodes.Add("InstalledFontsChanged"); tnEvent.ToolTipText = "Microsoft.Win32.SystemEvents.InstalledFontsChanged"; } if (PaletteChangedEnabled) { TreeNode tnEvent = tnEvents.Nodes.Add("PaletteChanged"); tnEvent.ToolTipText = "Microsoft.Win32.SystemEvents.PaletteChanged"; } if (SessionEndingEnabled) { TreeNode tnEvent = tnEvents.Nodes.Add("SessionEnding"); tnEvent.ToolTipText = "Microsoft.Win32.SystemEvents.SessionEnding"; } if (SessionSwitchEnabled) { TreeNode tnEvent = tnEvents.Nodes.Add("SessionSwitch"); tnEvent.ToolTipText = "Microsoft.Win32.SystemEvents.SessionSwitch"; } if (UserPreferenceChangedEnabled) { TreeNode tnEvent = tnEvents.Nodes.Add("UserPreferenceChanged"); tnEvent.ToolTipText = "Microsoft.Win32.SystemEvents.UserPreferenceChanged"; } return tnMain; } #endregion #region Events void Win32_SystemEvents_InstalledFontsChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (OnInstalledFontsChanged != null) OnInstalledFontsChanged(this, e); List oldFonts = (List)oldValues[EventType.InstalledFontsChanged]; List newFonts = Status.System.InstalledFonts; foreach (FontFamily newFont in newFonts) { FontFamily found = oldFonts.Find(new Predicate(item => { return item.Equals(newFont); })); if (found == null) { if (OnFontAdded != null) OnFontAdded(this, new EventArgsValue(newFont)); } else oldFonts.Remove(found); } if (OnFontRemoved != null) foreach (FontFamily oldFont in oldFonts) OnFontRemoved(this, new EventArgsValue(oldFont)); oldValues[EventType.InstalledFontsChanged] = newFonts; } void Win32_SystemEvents_PaletteChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (OnPaletteChanged != null) OnPaletteChanged(this, e); } void Win32_SystemEvents_SessionEnding(object sender, SessionEndingEventArgs e) { if (OnSessionEnding != null) OnSessionEnding(this, new EventArgsReason(e.Reason)); if (e.Reason == SessionEndReasons.Logoff) { if (OnLogoff != null) OnLogoff(this, new EventArgs()); } else if (e.Reason == SessionEndReasons.SystemShutdown) { if (OnShutdown != null) OnShutdown(this, new EventArgs()); } } void Win32_SystemEvents_SessionSwitch(object sender, SessionSwitchEventArgs e) { if (OnSessionSwitch != null) OnSessionSwitch(this, new EventArgsReason(e.Reason)); switch (e.Reason) { case SessionSwitchReason.ConsoleConnect: if (OnConsoleConnect != null) OnConsoleConnect(this, new EventArgs()); break; case SessionSwitchReason.ConsoleDisconnect: if (OnConsoleDisconnect != null) OnConsoleDisconnect(this, new EventArgs()); break; case SessionSwitchReason.RemoteConnect: if (OnRemoteConnect != null) OnRemoteConnect(this, new EventArgs()); break; case SessionSwitchReason.RemoteDisconnect: if (OnRemoteDisconnect != null) OnRemoteDisconnect(this, new EventArgs()); break; case SessionSwitchReason.SessionLock: if (OnSessionLock != null) OnSessionLock(this, new EventArgs()); break; case SessionSwitchReason.SessionLogoff: if (OnSessionLogoff != null) OnSessionLogoff(this, new EventArgs()); break; case SessionSwitchReason.SessionLogon: if (OnSessionLogon != null) OnSessionLogon(this, new EventArgs()); break; case SessionSwitchReason.SessionRemoteControl: if (OnSessionRemoteControl != null) OnSessionRemoteControl(this, new EventArgs()); break; case SessionSwitchReason.SessionUnlock: if (OnSessionUnlock != null) OnSessionUnlock(this, new EventArgs()); break; } } void Win32_SystemEvents_UserPreferenceChanged(object sender, UserPreferenceChangedEventArgs e) { if (OnUserPreferenceChanged != null) OnUserPreferenceChanged(this, new EventArgsReason(e.Category)); switch (e.Category) { case UserPreferenceCategory.Accessibility: if (OnUserPreferenceAccessibilityChanged != null) OnUserPreferenceAccessibilityChanged(this, new EventArgs()); break; case UserPreferenceCategory.Color: if (OnUserPreferenceColorChanged != null) OnUserPreferenceColorChanged(this, new EventArgs()); break; case UserPreferenceCategory.Desktop: if (OnUserPreferenceDesktopChanged != null) OnUserPreferenceDesktopChanged(this, new EventArgs()); break; case UserPreferenceCategory.General: if (OnUserPreferenceGeneralChanged != null) OnUserPreferenceGeneralChanged(this, new EventArgs()); break; case UserPreferenceCategory.Icon: if (OnUserPreferenceIconChanged != null) OnUserPreferenceIconChanged(this, new EventArgs()); break; case UserPreferenceCategory.Keyboard: if (OnUserPreferenceKeyboardChanged != null) OnUserPreferenceKeyboardChanged(this, new EventArgs()); break; case UserPreferenceCategory.Locale: if (OnUserPreferenceLocaleChanged != null) OnUserPreferenceLocaleChanged(this, new EventArgs()); break; case UserPreferenceCategory.Menu: if (OnUserPreferenceMenuChanged != null) OnUserPreferenceMenuChanged(this, new EventArgs()); break; case UserPreferenceCategory.Mouse: if (OnUserPreferenceMouseChanged != null) OnUserPreferenceMouseChanged(this, new EventArgs()); break; case UserPreferenceCategory.Policy: if (OnUserPreferencePolicyChanged != null) OnUserPreferencePolicyChanged(this, new EventArgs()); break; case UserPreferenceCategory.Power: if (OnUserPreferencePowerChanged != null) OnUserPreferencePowerChanged(this, new EventArgs()); break; case UserPreferenceCategory.Screensaver: if (OnUserPreferenceScreensaverChanged != null) OnUserPreferenceScreensaverChanged(this, new EventArgs()); break; case UserPreferenceCategory.VisualStyle: if (OnUserPreferenceVisualStyleChanged != null) OnUserPreferenceVisualStyleChanged(this, new EventArgs()); break; case UserPreferenceCategory.Window: if (OnUserPreferenceWindowChanged != null) OnUserPreferenceWindowChanged(this, new EventArgs()); break; } } #endregion } }