Jonny007-MKD d20e55d3a9 VarX gedreht
1. Alle auskommentierten Funktionen gelöscht. Die braucht man nicht
kopieren, dafür haben wir Versionskontrolle mit Github
2. Leerzeichen am Ende des Strings entfernt, Zeichengröße von 10 auf 9
3. Koordinaten für VarX und VarY angepasst und this->Text() verwendet
4. PrintVariables neu ausgerichtet
5. srand() verbessert
2013-12-17 20:18:27 +01:00

286 lines
9 KiB

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <vector>
#include "Cell.h"
#include "PrimImplikantCollection.h"
#include "..\..\GDE_3_2008\graphics\graphicfunctions.h"
#include "KV.h"
extern uint dimension;
extern uint numElements;
extern bool KNF;
void KV::Clear()
int ww, hh;
set_drawarea(ww,hh); // Setzen des Zeichenbereiches
clrscr(); // Clear screen
void KV::Print(uint offset)
this->Print(offset, offset);
void KV::Print(uint offsetX, uint offsetY)
this->offsetX = offsetX;
this->offsetY = offsetY;
updatescr(); // make this f****** GDE update, does not work everytime :/
uint KV::width()
return this->widthPx;
uint KV::height()
return this->heightPx;
void KV::Setstring_Var()
this->string_VarY = "";
this->string_VarX = "";
for (uint i = 0; i < this->variables->size(); i++)
if (i >= this->numVarY)
this->string_VarX += this->variables->at(i) + " ";
this->string_VarY += this->variables->at(i) + " ";
this->string_VarX = this->string_VarX.substr(0, this->string_VarX.size()-1);
this->string_VarY = this->string_VarY.substr(0, this->string_VarY.size()-1);
// Weitere Initialisierung der restlichen privaten Klassenelemente.
this->VarX_Length = max(this->edgeLength+1, this->string_VarX.size() * 9);
this->VarY_Length = max(this->edgeLength+1, this->string_VarY.size() * 9);
void KV::PrintRaster() // Erstellt die Felder: ▯▯▯
{ // ▯▯▯
// ▯▯▯
this->Line(this->VarY_Length, 0, this->VarY_Length, this->heightPx, BLACK); // first vertical line, one edge shorter
this->Line(0, this->VarX_Length, 0, this->heightPx, BLACK); // second vertical line
for (uint w = 1; w <= this->numFieldX ; w++) // vertical lines. Periodic with (edgeLength + 1)
uint X = w * (this->edgeLength + 1) + VarY_Length; // X position of the line
this->Line(X, 0, X, this->heightPx, BLACK);
this->Line(this->VarY_Length, 0, this->widthPx, 0, BLACK); // first horizontal line, one edge shorter
this->Line(0, this->VarX_Length, this->widthPx, this->VarX_Length, BLACK); // +10 to avoid the strings collision
// second horizontal line
for (uint h = 1; h <= this->numFieldY ; h++) // horizontal lines. Periodic with (edgeLength + 1)
uint Y = h * (this->edgeLength + 1) + this->VarX_Length; // Y position of the line
this->Line(0, Y, this->widthPx, Y, BLACK);
void KV::PrintString_Var()
char* valueY = (char*)this->string_VarY.c_str();
char* valueX= (char*)this->string_VarX.c_str();
uint x1_valueY = 2; // coordinante of ValueY
uint y1_valueY = this->VarX_Length-16;
uint x1_valueX = this->VarY_Length-16; // coordinante of ValueX
uint y1_valueX = this->VarX_Length-12;
this->Text(x1_valueX, y1_valueX, 10, BLACK, WHITE, 90, 0, valueX);
this->Text(x1_valueY, y1_valueY, 10, BLACK, WHITE, 00, 0, valueY);
void KV::PrintVariables() // Erstellt die Werte der Variablen in der ersten X- und Y-Spalte: ▯ 0 1
{ // 0 ▯▯
// 1 ▯▯
for (uint w = 0; w < this->numFieldX; w++) // horizontal variable text
uint XL = w * (this->edgeLength + 1) + this->VarY_Length;
uint XR = XL + this->edgeLength;
char* value = this->Binary(w ^ (w / 2), this->numVarX); // in Gray und String umwandeln
this->TextBoxBold(XL, 0, XR, this->VarX_Length, 10, BLACK, TRANS, TRANS, SINGLE_LINE|CENTER_ALIGN|BOTTOM_ALIGN, value);
delete value;
for (uint h = 0; h < this->numFieldY; h++) // vertical variable text
uint YT = h * (this->edgeLength + 1) + this->VarX_Length + 1;
uint YB = YT + this->edgeLength;
char* value = this->Binary(h ^ (h / 2), this->numVarY); // in Gray und String umwandeln
this->TextBoxBold(0, YT, this->VarY_Length-5, YB, 10, BLACK, TRANS, TRANS, SINGLE_LINE|RIGHT_ALIGN|VCENTER_ALIGN, value);
delete value;
void KV::PrintCellValues() // Erstellt die Werte der jeweiligen Zellen: ▯▯▯
{ // ▯ x x
// ▯ x x
for (uint h = 0; h < this->numFieldY; h++) // jede Spalte durchgehen
uint YT = h * (this->edgeLength + 1)+ this->VarX_Length; // Y Positionen berechnen
uint YB = YT + this->edgeLength;
for (uint w = 0; w < this->numFieldX; w++) // jede Zeile durchgehen
uint XL = w * (this->edgeLength + 1) + this->VarY_Length; // X Positionen berechnen
uint XR = XL + this->edgeLength;
uint i = ((h^h / 2) << this->numVarX) | (w^w / 2); // w und h müssen getrennt in Gray umgewandelt werden (weil sie so aufgetragen wurden)
// zusammengesetzt ergeben sie dann unsere aktuelle Position
// Dies sind die Zellnummern:
char* I = new char[(int)(ceil(log10((float)numElements)))+1];
itoa(i, I, 10);
// Dies sind die Zellwerte:
char* I = new char[2];
_itoa_s(this->allCells->at(i)->value, I, 2, 10);
this->TextBox(XL, YT, XR, YB, 10, BLACK, TRANS, TRANS, CENTER, I);
delete I;
void KV::PrintPrimImplikanten()
for (uint i = 0; i < this->globalPic->size(); i++)
PrimImplikant* currentPI = this->globalPic->at(i);
uint overflow = 0; // at which sides the PrimImplikant overlaps
for (uint j = 0; j < currentPI->implikanten.size(); j++)
uint currentI = currentPI->implikanten[j];
uint w = (currentI & ((0x1 << (this->numVarX)) - 1)); // get all bits that make X (=w)
w ^= w / 2;
uint h = (currentI >> this->numVarX); // get all bits that make Y (=h)
h ^= h / 2;
if (w == 0)
overflow |= 0x1; // left side
else if (w == this->numFieldX - 1)
overflow |= 0x2; // right side
overflow |= 0x4;
if (h == 0)
overflow |= 0x10; // upper side
else if (h == this->numFieldY - 1)
overflow |= 0x20; // lower side
overflow |= 0x40;
switch (overflow)
case 0x33: // all 4 edges
case 0x30: // overflows from top to bottom
case 0x03: // overflows from left to right
uint X1 = -1, X2 = 0, Y1 = -1, Y2 = 0; // find coordinates for Rechteck
for (uint j = 0; j < currentPI->implikanten.size(); j++)
uint currentI = currentPI->implikanten[j];
uint w = (currentI & ((0x1 << (this->numVarX)) - 1)); // get all bits that make X (=w)
w ^= w / 2;
uint h = (currentI >> this->numVarX); // get all bits that make Y (=h)
h ^= h / 2;
uint x1 = w * (this->edgeLength + 1) + this->VarY_Length; // Upper coord
uint x2 = x1 + this->edgeLength; // Lower coord
uint y1 = h * (this->edgeLength + 1) + this->VarX_Length; // Left coord
uint y2 = y1 + this->edgeLength; // Right coord
X1 = min(X1, x1);
X2 = max(X2, x2);
Y1 = min(Y1, y1);
Y2 = max(Y2, y2);
if (currentPI->name.find("|") != string::npos)
this->Rechteck(X1 + 12, Y1 + 9, X2 - 12, Y2 - 9, RED, TRANS);
uint random = rand() % 10;
X1 += random;
X2 -= random;
Y1 += random;
Y2 -= random;
if (currentPI->implikanten.size() == 1)
this->Rechteck(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, GREEN, TRANS);
this->Rechteck(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, BLUE, TRANS);
void KV::Line(uint x1, uint y1, uint x2, uint y2, int color)
line(x1 + this->offsetX, y1 + this->offsetY, x2 + this->offsetX, y2 + this->offsetY, color);
void KV::Text(uint x, uint y, uint size, int color, int bkcolor, int angle, int align, char* theText)
text(x + this->offsetX, y + this->offsetY, size, color, bkcolor, angle, align, theText);
void KV::TextBox(uint x1, uint y1, uint x2, uint y2, uint size, int ctext, int cframe, int cfill, int flags, char* theText)
textbox(x1 + this->offsetX + 1, y1 + this->offsetY, x2 + this->offsetX + 1, y2 + this->offsetY, size, ctext, cframe, cfill, flags, theText);
void KV::TextBoxBold(uint x1, uint y1, uint x2, uint y2, uint size, int ctext, int cframe, int cfill, int flags, char* theText)
textbox(x1 + this->offsetX + 1, y1 + this->offsetY, x2 + this->offsetX + 1, y2 + this->offsetY, size, ctext, cframe, cfill, flags, theText);
textbox(x1 + this->offsetX + 2, y1 + this->offsetY, x2 + this->offsetX + 2, y2 + this->offsetY, size, ctext, TRANS, TRANSPARENT, flags, theText); // write twice to simulate bold font
void KV::Rechteck(uint x1, uint y1, uint x2, uint y2, int cframe, int cfill)
rectangle(x1 + this->offsetX + 1, y1 + this->offsetY + 1, x2 + this->offsetX + 1, y2 + this->offsetY + 1, cframe, cfill);
char* KV::Binary(uint x, char length)
// warning: this breaks for numbers with more than 64 bits
char* buffer = new char[length+1];
char* p = buffer + length;
*p = 0;
*--p = '0' + (x & 1);
x >>= 1;
} while (--length);
return buffer;